Valentine's Day has never been a particularly momentous occasion for me. When I am dating someone and it rolls around, it's usually marked by the exchange of perfunctory gifts and shiny pieces of cardboard with someone else's words on them, and when I am single, I usually get invited to some anti-Valentine's Day party and am cheered by the drinking, the girly movies, and the thought that soon I will totally be able to buy a lot of delicious half-price chocolate.
This year, however, it's actually getting me a bit down, probably because last year was not such a banner year for my poor little heart, which isn't as black as one might think. Still, this doesn't mean I can't have Valentines, even in the absence of a man this year. Therefore, I present this list of ten people and things I am officially making my Valentine:
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It's the Charter's twenty-fifth anniversary. It deserves a little love.

2. Alan Thicke. Oh, be still, my beating heart. A while back, a friend told me a story about how his dad went to Western when Alan Thicke did, and my friend's dad totally hated Alan Thicke because Alan used to mow his lawn shirtless and all the ladies would fawn over him. I wish I went to Western when Alan did. As an alternative, I will send him an invitation to come mow my lawn shirtless. It's not like he's busy with his career.

3. Pie. Who doesn't like pie?

4. Jenny Lewis. Jenny Lewis' music makes me happy, plus long ago she was the little girl in the movie
The Wizard, the one who lived in a trailer and helped Fred Savage in his journey across America so his savant little brother could play
Super Mario 3 in a national tournament.

5. Isabel Allende. I have been going through her entire works (thanks, City Lights and H. Sommers Books) and I haven't found a writer who has impressed me so consistently for a long time. I have been spending way too much time reading non-law books, but readings for Civil Procedure and Trusts are admittedly less entertaining.

6. Turducken. Another turducken party was had on Monday night, and you can't help but fall in love with three different kinds of meat coming together in harmony. It's like the perfect storm of meats.

7. Stephen Colbert. I have watched
The Colbert Report for quite some time, but just lately I have been finding myself totally attracted to Stephen. I don't even know why. Maybe I really like geeks, or maybe it's an acceptable transference for my secret attraction to Bill O'Reilly.

8. Ketel One. No explanation necessary.

9. The new boots I got at Aldo. Because shopping is always a good pick-me-up.

10. Facebook. I know I slagged it before, but I'm now officially addicted. It's a big problem. But hey, I really like the ability to find random people from high school, and also to judge my friends based on their taste in music, movies, and books. Because I'm superficial like that.

Happy Valentine's Day, all.